Mathematics, General Relativity, Physics, Computer Algebra, Publishers, Libraries, Bookstores, Journals, Education

Riemann tensor algebraic symmetries:   Riemann tensor Ref: J Math Phys, vol 40, 2055-2063, (1999).

Online calculator

DPGraph - excellent graphing program      Get the free viewer from to see:

     1. the amimated elliptic curve: x^3-x^2+y^2+4/27+sin(t/4)=0 (t=time)
     2. the 'stocks' curve (genus 17, time=2pi): (y-4)*(y-1)*(y+2)*(y+3)*(y+4)*(y+6)+(x^2-1)*(x^2-4)*(x^2-9)*(x^2-16)*sin(time/4)-576=0
     3. The Kiss
I asked you a question, buddy 92 dimensions So you want proof


Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted - A Einstein

Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it - Samuel Johnson

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