Everybody Loves My Baby
Words and Music By
Jack Palmer and Spencer Willson

<BGSOUND src="everybody-loves-my-baby.mid">

I'm as happy as a King,
Feelin' good n' everything
I'm just like a bird in Spring,
Got to let it out.
It's my sweetie, can't you guess?
Wild about her, I'll confess!
Does she love me?
Oh my, yes!
That's just why I shout:

Everybody loves my baby,
But my baby don't love nobody but me.
Nobody but me.
Everybody wants my baby,
But my baby don't want nobody but me
That's plain to see.

I am his sweet patootie and he is my lovin' man,
Knows how to do his duty,
Loves me like no other can.
That's why:

Everybody loves my baby,
But my baby don't love nobody but me.
Nobody but me!

Everybody loves my baby,
But my baby don't love nobody but me,
Nobody but me!
Everybody wants my baby,
But my baby don't want nobody but me
That's plain to see.

She's got a form like Venus, honest, I ain't talkin' Greek!
No one can come between us,
She's my Sheba, I'm her Sheik.
That's why:

Everybody loves my baby,
But my baby don't love nobody but me,
Nobody but me!